And I Grew Up Silently!

I crossed my arms across my chest and wiped my salty tears.
I gasped heavily to collect the shattered pieces together

Somewhere at 11:45 in the night, I sat on the same bench in the park where things once started.

I felt there was no one to share my ice cream that moment but only the memories which I once made. 

I slide on the slope of the memory lane like a kid but got afraid when I didn’t find anybody to tell how weird the journey was.

The darkness of night which once felt warming was now my only companion in solitude.
The long discussions of work- life balance was now lost.
I lost a part of my life and work altogether.

Oh that made me believe I was wrong!

At 12:02 in the night, I was proved wrong when I once tried to press the pause button of life.

The tight slap of time conveyed me that happiness can not be found in the stars and the clouds!!
Crawling in each other’s arms was nothing but a myth that didn’t solve the purpose.
Hugs and kisses were nothing but the poison that weakened the soul.
Get up! Go run. Fight!
Compete and achieve. Because the people of the world only understand this.

I then put my coffee mug down and looked at my hands, when I was slammed with reality.

My bare hands hold nothing except the warm gush of tear drops falling on them.

But I waited!
I waited for him to come and hold my hand again.
I waited for him to come and kiss my tears again.
I waited for him to come and none turn up.
I crossed my arms across my chest and wiped my salty tears.
I gasped heavily to collect the shattered pieces together.
“Hey, you okay?”, knocked an anonymous voice from behind as I stood up to leave.

My lungs screamed and my eyes wept.
My heart ached but my face smiled with the words, “Hey, yeah, completely! “

Somewhere in the darkness of the night at 12:30 am, I congratulated myself for becoming mature and losing my soul.

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