
Showing posts from January, 2018

Life @ I.T(phase 3)

Like nobody in my house ever appreciated my Maggie even, then these people gonna pay me?? Like really??  Now that we have successfully launched ourselves in the huge brand, we refuse to look back! Now our day starts with the alarm which snooze after every 15 mins to 8 am. Every time we step into our office, we suddenly start feeling fortunate enough for our existence. We start framing goals. We start imagining life three years from now while we are completely clueless about our next session. We set ourselves free in the sky as we have new wings attached to us. You know something, the initial stage of everything is dearest of all! Whether it's your girlfriend or your new Car or your marriage or anything in the world. Then this was our job! Rather I should say, our very first job. How can we be not happy at that time? But then we forgot that nothing remains same forever. Everything looses it's spark after a while. Let's come to a real scenario. In the very initia

Life @ I.T (phase 2)

Monday? No way! I have my office to do dude!!  Now that you have read the phase 1( which was small I agree) it's time for the 2nd phase. But before that,  I wanna tell you something. Actually above all,  if you see it from a distance, and by distance I mean quite a distance,  I.T industry is basically for two types of people. Firstly, the people who love screens!  The ones who always want to glue spectacles to their face and their ass with the chair( and later suffer with Cervical and back ache disorders.) and then work to a stretch of 10 to 11 hours per day with a mug of coffee. Initially it sounds fancy,  but then it's not! Secondly this is for the people who loves traveling.  Put your hand on your heart and remember your college days when you used to think that you gonna live in a  different city thousands miles apart from your home,  when you gonna clean your utensils and wash your clothes own your own and later tag it as "Freedom" on Facebook and Insta

Life @ I.T( phase 1)

Did you just said I. T?   HUH?  Okay,  come let's sit! Let me tell you the scenario today in detail, that what actually happens. If we put a glance over it from the very scratch ( seems like I am narrating a email to you, I know, see...  Happens! ) long before Shakespeare told us that life is divided into phases . When I started working I was shown how!  Phase 1: whenever we meet someone or whenever we cross that particular lane on which our dream building is constructed,  then deep down inside,  peeping through the window of the car,  we look at that building with the eyes full of aspirations and goals. We start weaving dreams!  Dreams that take us to the world where we fantasize that how things would have been if I too was a little part of that big thing! Then we promise our selves that one fine day we gonna make it. Many of us like me,  start working our ass off in order to get into that multi national,  multi story IT company! Then one fine day,  when our stars fal