
Showing posts from November, 2019

Balancing The Crust and Core!

Our eyes understand each other better when our words fail. We can always find a new road even when we are lost on some highway. But for that, you should be ready to drive! What do you think we will do once we are old? I asked him out of no where. We are already old Clara, said he in a voice that has already lost its spark. Oh come on oldy, I don’t know about you but I am surely young. He giggled on my stupid response and said, yeah madam why not. What? I mean life is fun but don’t people get bored of sex after a certain point of time? What?? He gave me a disgusting yet surprised look as i completed the sentence. Are you lost or what? Wait, come here, let me smell you! He sniffed my collar to check any evidence of alcohol in me. You smell okay but the perfume is really good. I giggled and blushed in my own space. Shut up man, just stop it. People are noticing us. (we both passed fishy smiles to each other) Okay, see there. Do you see those group of ladies si