The Spark In The Train

The air of uncertainties and the doubts in which I was breathing happily felt fresh and flowery. I was only looking at the beauty of the roses, ignoring the presence of the thrones completely. 

I wasn’t sure whether I want him or not, whether he was right or wrong, whether he will stay or leave but one thing was sure that I liked his company. He turned my smile into laughter, my anger into a rosy blush and my complex problems into  some small trivial issues. How could someone not like a person like that? How could I not enjoy his presence around me? I wasn’t sure whether I was trailing on the right path or was I just floating on temporary clouds that would vanish with the harsh sunshine of the life. I wasn’t sure whether I was strolling in the garden or just digging a pit hole for myself again to fall down.

The air of uncertainties and the doubts in which I was breathing happily felt fresh and flowery. I was only looking at the beauty of the roses, ignoring the presence of the thrones completely. He appeared as fresh as a mint and as strong as a old wine. He had something in him, something that held me closer to him. I didn’t know him completely yet I felt a spark towards him. I was cautious about his magnetic presence around me. Sometimes I could literally feel his intense gaze on me. But that very day, I had a closer encounter with him as a person.

It was our first journey together, he happened to board the same train as that of mine. He sat next to me and that’s how it started. I fired questions on him as an interviewer and he answered them with all the delicacy. The demons inside me held my soul into chains and abstain me to fall for him. Irrespective of his attempts, I wasn’t impressed but I was alert.

I got goose bumps when his arm got rubbed against mine accidentally. I tried to curb into my little space to avoid his touch but he was giant enough to spare me any. I felt like a baby-boo in front of his huge body. He was tall, much taller than me. He looked like a grizzly bear with those strong heavy arms. The majority of his chubby face was covered with that nicely maintained beard. His light blue ocean eyes held my gaze on him. I could see the dark circles under his petite eyes. The plump-pink lips of him with those brown tints on them were the evidence of the cigarettes he smoked. I felt uncomfortable. My hatred for smoking was more intense than my liking towards him.

 He felt like a Moon with many spots to me but unlike others, I was not ready to settle for them.
“Watch out!” I reminded myself.

One side of me shouted, ‘”he is too cute to let go. “
“But the cuteness doesn’t last to eternity”, replied the other side of mine.
The one side of me claimed, he was trying to be protective and kind towards me.
“What’s the big deal then? No handsome would ever sound rude on his very first meeting. It’s just an act of chivalry.”, clarified my other side.
“But he came up front and watched out things around me!”
“He’s playing smart darling, he’s a lot more to what he actually looks like.”, warned my other side.

Perturbed by the football match which was going on inside me, I chose to plugged in my headphone and shut my eyes.
Very silently I kicked his every act of sweetness towards me like a badass woman.
“I am a hard nut to crack.” I said to myself. His eyes can’t melt my heart away.
I wore the parada of sternness on my face and soul and dozed off for the rest of my journey.

Hit the below link to read what happened next :


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