How Was Your March ?

We all work for the same thing but with different agenda.We all have battles to fight but the victory is for the same thing. Similarly we might work at different places in different roles but for the same Motto in the end. MONEY !

Well March and April has ended and it’s the May time. Here i am talking specifically about March as many of us know that its that time of the year where the performance of an Engineer comes into picture. And then we are Promoted or Demoted accordingly! May the month of possibilities where the intensity of our hard work depends on the level of our promotions we get. Today this blog of mine majorly focus on the people who work in IT. By this time I know many people are injured from inside while others might be enjoying their weekend in the best possible way.

Today I was in my bed for the entire day doing justice with the Sunday and constantly thinking how situations can change us to an extent. Like we IT people work our ass off to get buttery packages so as to enjoy our dream life while doing our dream jobs. But unfortunately this is not the case with everyone. Trust me with every step in life we encounter million different people of million different types. Some compel us to punch them right on their faces (if given a chance) while some makes us feel like to kiss them. Isn’t it? I know you are nodding your head. Well, thanks! 

But basically the problem arrives when we and our work does not get enough recognition and value which it should have. As a human, from our basic school days we are being taught to work hard in order to achieve success. We all have read the stories of the great people that had existed in our history text books, strong enough to inspire us but when we are judged by our BOSS and Manager in the not so contented way, we feel like smashing and shattering everything down.
 Burning and breaking every computer system of the company. I mean how they could ignore my work. I have been working so hard all this long and I am given this, like just this? And then we feel like throwing our BOSS from the 12th floor of the building again and again till our frustration finds an end. (Hope my Boss is not reading this at least, and if she does, then BOSS you are great, I am just chilling you know!  :P)

Yeah, happens right? We end up thinking such productive notions at times, anyways. Happens! Now let’s have a glimpse at the outcome of this scenario. During this process technically 4 types of people comes into picture.

FIRST: the one who will maintain a rigid notion about this and will believe that things only happen this way. I tried and I worked but didn’t add any value. Why waste time and energy over it? Let it be, I won’t work. Simple.
Second: the one with the hot nerve will say, I will tell you in the next quarter. My work will compel you to bow down in front of me.
Third: the one who has a thick skin and is hardly bothered about it. In the end, its life, its IT, its all about politics .What do you even expect? Hardly matters to me!
Fourth: the one who will sit back patiently and then decide what to do next. The one ,who will follow his heart and then take the next step accordingly.

But before taking any decision, always remember one thing:

It’s all about your life, it’s all about YOU in the end. If you think you can evolve better, get up, work your ass off again and show them you worth it!
If you think it’s not working for you, chuck this out. There are millions other options which are waiting for you to get explore. Find the one that suits you.

And my friend, if nothing works, then you need to take a break from everything. Be it be your work, your girlfriend or any other thing and spend time with Yourself.

Accept FAILURE! It’s always fine to fall down, it’s always fine to get hurt and work even harder. It’s always fine to fail. What matters is, you should not lose the stamina to get up again and fight.
Isaac Newton failed hundred times before he gave us the 3 most renounced laws of Newton.

Our very own Thomas Alba Edison, the master mind who has set principles and laws for generations to study was considered most foolish and absurd personality before coming into the light of fame.
And we, poor IT folks on the other hand fret about our promotions being delayed. Just breathe. It’s OK. 

It’s not the end of the world. You still have better things to do in life. If your BOSS does not recognize your potential does not mean you are good for nothing. You are still a gold fish in the aquarium.

Cheers to life!


  1. Loved to hear u out.... really appreciated the way u came alive in this role and poked up us very well, keep it up!!


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